

Speed Reading Has Its Benefits

When you think of muscles, more than likely the biceps or chest will come to mind. After all, those are the beach muscles . . . they are what everyone notices. However, there's another muscle who often gets forgotten within the pursuit of looking good in a physical nature . . . the brain. Ironically, this is the muscle we should be most concerned with. Biceps and the chest muscles will surely deplete as we age, no matter how hard one tries to maintain them. The brain, however, will relish in continuing strenuous activity long into our golden years. One way to keep your brain young and vivacious is to delve into the world of speed reading.

By | July 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Reading Has Its Benefits

3 Tips for Acing the Verbal Reasoning Section of the MCAT

There’s no question that you’ve put in the time to study for both the Physical and Biological Science sections of the MCAT. You probably wouldn’t have even been thinking of medical school if you hadn’t been as proficient as you are in quantitative reasoning. However, the Verbal Reasoning section of the MCAT can be a bit tricky if you’re not used to reading speedily and aren’t able to quickly comprehend everything necessary to answer the 40 questions from the reading passages in the section in just 1 hour. The following three tips will help you feel more confident as you prepare to take the MCAT, and will drastically help improve your Verbal Reasoning score.

By | July 23rd, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 Tips for Acing the Verbal Reasoning Section of the MCAT

American Pediatric Association Issues Strong Policy Statement on Reading’s Importance

The American Pediatric Association issued their first official statement on literacy promotion this year providing strong evidence for reading's importance. The organization stressed the need for parents to read to their children beginning in infancy. The announcement also outlined concrete steps to use pediatric visits to encourage reading.

By | July 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on American Pediatric Association Issues Strong Policy Statement on Reading’s Importance

Reading’s Importance on Brain Development

Anything that you'd like to develop requires a little elbow grease. If you'd like to improve your putting game, you go to the practice green and you hone your skill. If you'd like to bench press more in the gym, you focus on strengthening your chest muscles to improve in that area. In essence, the brain is no different. The human brain needs stimulus to nurture and grow just as any other muscle or skill set. Thankfully, it's extremely easy to give the human brain a good workout; simply grab a book!

By | July 21st, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Reading’s Importance on Brain Development

Speed Reading: What Is It And How Can I Benefit From it

Thе соnсерt оf sрееd rеаdіng оrіgіnаtеd wіth Аіr Fоrсе trаіnіng dаtа thаt іndісаtеd lеаrnеrs соuld dіstіnguіsh shареs mоrе quісklу wіth рrасtісе. Dеvісеs tо рrеsеnt tехt аt соntrоllеd аnd іnсrеаsіng расеs fоrmеd thе bаsіs fоr еаrlу trаіnіng, whісh hаd lіmіtеd еffесtіvеnеss fоr mоst реорlе. Lаtеr rеsеаrсh lеd tо рrоgrаms thаt іnсоrроrаtеd nоt оnlу соntrоllеd рrеsеntаtіоn расе but аlsо іnсrеаsіng lеngths оf рhrаsеs, аnd vаrуіng fоnts аnd bасkgrоund соlоr sсhеmеs.

By | July 17th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Speed Reading: What Is It And How Can I Benefit From it

Understanding reading’s importance on your brain

When is the last time you picked up a book just for the sake of getting lost in a character's world? We all remember the books we had to read in college; you're probably even thinking right now, with dread, about that one book that you thought you would never finish and have vowed to never read again. I won't name mine. But there's a whole different world of books out there, the ones that aren't required. They aren't in any particular genre or length and there's not a time limit on when to have them finished. We choose not to read because a lot of us don't understand reading's importance.

By | June 20th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Understanding reading’s importance on your brain

Solving Big Problems with a Little Bit of Reading

When facing a problem in life, typically the first response is to ask someone who knows, right? Surely someone out there has experienced this same issue, or the Doctor will know what to do… or, heaven forbid, you ask your mother. Well, I am "the mother" and so when I am facing questions that I do not have the answers to, I have found that I can often find answers to solvable life problems through reading. I am an avid reader, and began reading at an early age. My love of reading was fostered by a doting aunt and I am forever indebted to her. Now, as an adult, I have come to recognize and appreciate the natural ability I have developed to problem solve through reading.

By | March 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Solving Big Problems with a Little Bit of Reading

Optimizing your Workspace for Productivity

Your workspace is the environment in which you perform most of your work. An optimal workspace is critical to your success. Consider these productivity life hacks for your desk.

By | March 20th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Optimizing your Workspace for Productivity