We here at Infinite Mind love food! Not a day goes by when there isn’t some type of yummy goodness in our office. Donuts, cookies, and brownies… Oh My!! As much as we all love those sweets, they do take a toll on your physical and mental health. We are all about improving oneself here and realized that grazing on sweets all day is not the best option for us.

In an attempt to jump start healthy eating, we decided to introduce a new weekly blog post called the Monday Mind Chow. Every Monday our resident food addicts will be bringing you awesome recipes that not only promote healthy eating but incorporate awesome brain power foods!

We decided to start easy this week with a breakfast recipe. This one comes courtesy of Prevention and we can’t wait to try it out!


Yogart Parfait

Breakfast Yogurt Parfait

This recipe is a great source of protein. Combined with all the fiber and whole grains and you are guaranteed to have energy and concentration all morning! Which isn’t that what we all want on a Monday?

3/4 cup low-fat plain yogurt

1/2 cup shredded wheat squares

1/4 cup high-fiber cereal

1 Tbsp chopped walnuts
1/4 sliced banana

1/4 cup berries

*Layer all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy! Make sure to top it with some extra walnuts for a great source of omega-3s!

What else would you included in this yummy breakfast parfait? Let’s us know in the comments!