

3 Signs You Should Invest in Speed Reading

The average human being can read approximately 200-400 words per minute. For many, their individual reading speeds go unnoticed and is rarely thought about; however, for some, it is a source of anxiousness. Reading faster is a skill that can be learned, and it can greatly benefit peoples’ lives. Whether it’s being able to read more novels from the New York Times Bestseller List each year, move through important documents more quickly at work, or comprehend the material you need to know for a graduate or professional school entrance exam, developing the ability to speed read can make life much simpler. Here are three sure signs you should invest in speed reading:

By | December 30th, 2014|Reading|Comments Off on 3 Signs You Should Invest in Speed Reading

Did You Know: Sub-vocalization Destroys Your Reading Speed!

No? Don't be surprised. Turns out that most Americans, and indeed most of the world, sub-vocalize to some extent. That's natural, it's simply a hold over from when you were originally taught to read. The trouble is, after we learn to read, very few people rarely improve upon the basic reading skills we're as children.

By | November 4th, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts, Reading|Comments Off on Did You Know: Sub-vocalization Destroys Your Reading Speed!

Reading’s Importance: More Than Words

"There is so much more to a book than just the reading." -Maurice Sendak

By | October 30th, 2014|education, Reading|Comments Off on Reading’s Importance: More Than Words

The Importance of Speed Reading at Work and School

One of the largest complaints that many students and professionals have in their day-to-day lives is the sheer volume of text that needs absorbed. Whats the problem? The problem is that the average reader only reads at around 200 words per minute. For short sections of text this is fine, but longer texts become intolerably time-consuming.

By | October 23rd, 2014|eyeQ Thoughts, Reading, Technology, Time Management|Comments Off on The Importance of Speed Reading at Work and School

Building a Better World by Reading

For those who love reading, it is easy to get lost in a good plot or an article filled with interesting new information. For those who are not avid readers, it seems better to avoid reading time in pursuit of other activities that may hold more interest. Either way, many people overlook reading's importance when it comes to building everyday skills that can improve your life and the world around you.

By | October 16th, 2014|Reading|Comments Off on Building a Better World by Reading

Homework Management: Studying for Tests

When you begin a class, you may feel like you won't have any problems keeping up with your homework. After all, you know all about homework management skills and shouldn't have any problems doing all of your assignments. Then the time comes for your first test, and you realize that you are not as prepared as you thought you would be. Don't forget that studying for your tests is just as important as doing the homework assignments. When studying for a typical test, you have to pay attention to all of the materials you are given for class.

By | October 14th, 2014|Reading|Comments Off on Homework Management: Studying for Tests

Speed Reading for College and Beyond

Regardless of your major in college, speed reading can help you to comprehend your college texts and scholarly articles while you're in school, and provide you a leading edge in your professional career. Speed reading is part of an active reading experience that allows you to ascertain the meaning, value, and authority of a given piece before reading for deeper detail.

By | October 14th, 2014|Reading|Comments Off on Speed Reading for College and Beyond

Without Reading’s Importance What Would The World Be Like?

In an art history class one morning, the professor asked his students "What would the world be like without color?" It would be sad and depressing. And a writer asked himself what would the world be like without words? It would be a world without poetry and blogs. A world without reading would be like staring at a blank page, or having a thought that you could not share, because if you did no one would be able to understand.

By | October 2nd, 2014|Reading|Comments Off on Without Reading’s Importance What Would The World Be Like?